ПЗСП (Пермский завод силикатных панелей)

PZSP is one of the most significant construction companies in Perm which celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2013. The company was originally a plant producing silicate panels and the abbreviation of the company stood for “the Perm Plant of Silicate Panels” (Permskiy Zavod Silicatnyh Paneley). However we felt this didn’t correspond to the new company’s activity and strategy and also negatively affected the demand among young customers. 

One of the main points of the creative brief was to create a new identity keeping the original brand name. We analyzed the strategy and designed the square shaped logotype with letters PZSP where any combination of two letters could be highlighted giving different descriptors, such as:
— perm production,
— planning construction,
— countryside construction,
— contemporary design. 

This variety of descriptors helps to show different strengths of the company and to emphasize different kinds of activities. Variations of highlights and descriptors of the logotype correspond to three architectural constants – horizontal (link), vertical (rise), diagonal (emphasis). 

Highlighting geometry from the logotype emphasizes the architectural and construction elements, which is why it became the basis for the visual identity. Thus the graphics were expanded to three sets, corresponding to three sub-brands of the company: construction materials, construction and realization of standard real estate and construction and realization of luxury real estate. 

Adding pictograms to the identity lets us visualize every kind of activity and putting graphics together like the building blocks depending on how the logotype is highlighted and kind of communication. We have developed a custom Cyrillic version of Simplon PZSP especially for our client, because it presents the idea of construction in the best way.

Составляющие проекта:

  • Ренейминг
  • Ритейл стиль
  • Система логотипов
  • Уникальный корпоративный шрифт
  • Дизайн иконок
  • Деловая документация
  • Полиграфическая продукция
  • Рекламно-коммуникационные материалы
  • Гид по стилю (Style Guide)


Онлайн публикации:

Креативный директор:

  • Влад Ермолаев


  • Влад Ермолаев
  • Андрей Жандаров

Технический дизайнер:

  • Миша Филатов